Below you can browse and download all the learning materials developed for the Live Skills courses on Digital and New Technologies, Arts Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship. The materials are in English language and available for all colleagues and learners around the world for non-commercial use. You can adapt the materials to your learning and teaching needs and the standards of your institutions.
- Digital and New Technologies
When you access the Digital and New Technologies learning materials you will be introduced to creative media software for video and audio productions, whilst also learning how to protect your own creative work and copyright. Familiarising yourself with principles of graphic design, digital marketing and social media, will advance your understanding of personal branding. - Arts Management
Through the Arts Management learning materials you will develop an understanding of financial statements and strategic project planning. You will learn how to define your target market to create tailor-made promotional campaigns, whilst also fostering an understanding of the principles of subjects central to the industry, such as intellectual property and data protection. - Cultural Entrepreneurship
The Cultural Entrepreneurship learning materials will help you develop the ability to analyse innovation strategies and identify opportunities, strengthening your understanding of strategic thinking, business models and fundraising.
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