- CARDIFF - Demonstration workshop and taster of the free learning materials
British Council Wales - Tuesday 14th January
Attendees from a variety of VET stakeholders including VET Colleges, representatives of groups of Colleges and adult learning organisations, education managers and creative practitioners showed interest in the project and its outputs of three curricula on Arts Management, Digital and New Technologies, and Cultural Entrepreneurship, all of which would be available to them for free use. Certification and accreditation, as well as the translation of the curricula into Welsh emerged as two of the main points to follow up on, with concrete proposals such as sending letters of support for the curricula to accreditation bodies, and sharing the task of translation among different organisations. Presentations by the Project Director Rebecca Davies from the British Council in Belgium and lecturer William Artt from Belfast Metropolitan College generated animated discussion on the project’s main achievements in curriculum development and delivery, with a presentation of the new learning materials and the work-based learning model, as well as transnational cooperation in vocational education, quality assurance and re-use of creative commons being among the main themes. In conclusion it was agreed to organise further meetings with Cardiff stakeholders in the coming weeks to demonstrate details of the learning materials. - LONDON - UK Policy Dialogue Symposium
British Council Spring Gardens - Wednesday 15th January
Representatives from a variety of VET stakeholders such as the British Council, policy organisations in the creative skills sector, bodies dealing with quality assurance, and from VET Colleges engaged in the animated discussions lead by the Live Skills Project Director Rebecca Davies, lecturer William Artt from Belfast Metropolitan College and Robert West, Director of Partnerships and Delivery from Creative & Cultural Skills. Discussions focused on links between skills and employability, trends in the creative skills sector in the UK, as well as on the UK’s role in international cooperation in vocational training. Moreover, the project’s main achievements in curriculum development and delivery and the work-based learning model were presented and discussed. - BELFAST - Demonstration workshop and taster of the free learning materials
Belfast Metropolitan College – Thursday 16th January
A variety of stakeholders including the creative industry officer from Belfast City Council, other VET colleges and the British Council attended the sustainability workshop organised at Belfast Metropolitan College, project partner and contributor to the creation of new learning materials and curricula namely in Digital and New Technologies. Presentations by the Project Director Rebecca Davies from the British Council and lecturer William Artt and Glen MacMahon from Belfast Metropolitan College generated discussion on the project’s main achievements in curriculum development and delivery and on the work-based learning model, the role of VET training in relationship between skills and employability and transnational cooperation in vocational education.
A taste of Live Skills in the UK

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